About the Author
Finn Weisse
CASE President and Director of the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development Europe Office
“Business leaders around the world have declared that China is no longer the world’s number one place to invest; America is,” President Obama affirmed in the 2014 State of the Union Address, and that continues to be the case. In fact, the United States for the third year in a row ranks number one in the 2015 A.T. Kearney Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index. The index is a list of countries where corporate executives say they are most likely to direct their foreign investment dollars and 46% of the surveyed business executives are even more optimistic about the US economy’s outlook than they were a year ago.
The United States is the world’s largest economy boasting a GDP of over $17 trillion and a population and consumer market of more than 321 million people. With a business friendly environment, a flexible labour force, low energy prices and solid industries, the US is a thriving market offering investors a wealth of opportunities.
With all the opportunities, however, there are also challenges to potential investors. Unlike many countries, the US is a nation of 50 separate states that have their own state and local regulations that require a healthy knowledge of tax, commercial, and labour laws.
For more than four decades, the Council of American States in Europe (CASE) has served as a resource and a bridge into the US marketplace for the many European and global firms who have sought to learn more about doing business in the United States.
The official state-supported organisation in Europe comprises of 17 states with full-time offices in different European countries, which work to promote and highlight the benefits of considering the United States as a key investment destination.
With its local knowledge and network of experienced professionals, CASE is a valuable partner for any new investor.
Our services:
• Identification of the most suitable investment opportunities for your company
• Professional assistance in the business site selection process
• Introduction to job creation and investment incentives and local business networks
• Detailed information on industry sectors and operating costs
• Access to technical and workforce training programmes
• Organisation of administrative and legal support
• Introduction to our network of qualified service providers
Your benefits:
• Individually tailored information packages
• All services are free, confidential and without any obligations
• An international team in your area
• A soft landing in the United States providing the best location for your company
Further Information
Council of American States in Europe (CASE)
Mainzer Landstr. 176
D-60327 Frankfurt
Tel: +49 69 9735 8315
Email: caseoffice@invest-in-usa.org
Website: www.invest-in-usa.org